Brooklyn and the 5 criteria of the "city of the ¼ hour"

Have you ever heard of the ¼-hour city? This seminal urban planning concept was popularized in Europe by Professor Carlos Moreno. It has a strong influence on the way we design the new Brooklyn neighborhood in Bonnevoie.

In this article, we invite you to delve into the heart of this new urban perspective and show you how to Brooklyn perfectly embodies the principles of the "city of the ¼ hour"..

We will see, for example, that the proximity of Brooklyn with Luxembourg Central Station but also with Bonnevoie's shops, schools, nurseries, sports centers and cultural venues are major advantages for future residents. What's more, the district is designed to encourage a mix of human-scale residences, offices, shops and services.

Like Brooklyn, the "city of the ¼ hour" model goes even further, as it aims to build cities more sustainable, user-friendly and focused on residents' needs. To do this, it defines 5 criteria that we illustrate using Brooklyn as an example.

History of an urban model of opportunity

While the "¼-hour city" was revived and popularized by French-Colombian professor Carlos Moreno just over a decade ago, the concept is not new. It is based on the work of American planner Clarence Perry, published as long ago as the 1900s. It was even vigorously defended in 1961 by Jane Jacobs in a book with the revealing title "The Death and Life of Great American Cities". The origins of the concept may date back to the last century, but the solutions it proposes are more topical than ever. As Carlos Moreno clearly understands, this is an effective and practical model for tackling today's societal, environmental and climatic challenges.

The objectives and main principles of the "¼ hour city".

Carlos Moreno* is a leading researcher and expert in the field of future cities and territories. He is an associate professor at IAE Paris, part of the Université Panthéon Sorbonne. He is recognized as one of the most influential figures on the green agenda, thanks to his innovative vision of urban and territorial issues. He is renowned for his original work and proposals on urban issues, notably as a precursor of the "Smart City" concept.

Professor Moreno created the concept of the "¼-hour city" with the idea of modeling cities that are more sustainable, user-friendly and focused on residents' needs. It aims to reduce car dependency, promoting access to local services and improving quality of life.

The ¼ hour city concept is based on 5 key principles:

1. Proximity : essential services, such as schools, shops, green spaces, workplaces and public facilities, must be protected. accessible on foot or by bike in no more than 15 minutes. This reduces the need for long car journeys, and helps reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Functional diversity : neighborhoods should be designed to include a mix of functions, with housing, shops, offices and public spaces. This promotes a more efficient use of space and encourages short journeys.

3. Densification : To implement the city of the quarter-hour, it may be necessary to densify certain neighborhoods by constructing taller buildings. However, this must be done carefully to avoid overcrowding and preserve quality of life.

4. Efficient public transport : The concept assumes a high-quality, fast and frequent public transport network, making car travel less necessary.

5. Citizen participation : Residents must be involved in the planning of their neighborhoods to ensure that local needs are taken into account.

The new Brooklyn neighborhood at Bonnevoie ticks all the boxes

From the choice of Brooklyn's location, through the design of the new neighborhood, to the current construction phase, Eaglestone has taken this ¼-hour city concept as its common thread. We're proud to say that Brooklyn incorporates its key principles.

1. Proximity : The Brooklyn development is ideally located at the entrance to the Bonnevoie district, close to Luxembourg's main train station. Within a 15-minute walk or bike ride, future residents will find everything they need for a pleasant lifestyle. Shops, schools, crèches, sports center, cultural venues, green spaces and restaurants. This happy proximity promises ease of living for all ages.

2. Functional diversity : The new Brooklyn neighborhood features human-scale residences and a magnificent "The Bridge" office building. The project also includes several commercial premises.

3. Densification : The neighborhood is relatively dense to meet the demand for housing in the city center. However, it is designed around green spaces and gardens to promote quality of life. Buildings have a maximum height of 4 storeys, with terraces and green roofs.

4. Efficient public transport : The train station is a 5-minute walk away. A streetcar stops at the gates of Brooklyn every 4 minutes. There are 20 bus routes nearby. What's more, as public transport is free in Luxembourg, residents will benefit doubly.

5. Citizen participation : Eaglestone is doing everything in its power to promote conviviality in the new neighborhood and exchanges between residents. Brooklyn's ambition is to create a bridge with the current and future residents of Bonnevoie in order to support the social cohesion of one of Luxembourg's most cosmopolitan and endearing neighborhoods.

No doubt Brooklyn will be one of many model cities and neighborhoods around the world inspired by the ¼-hour city concept to address societal and environmental challenges.

Together, let's rise to the challenge of creating more liveable, environmentally sustainable cities. Let's reduce the problems associated with mobility, air pollution and travel-related stress. Let's build tomorrow's innovative urban ecosystems today.

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