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2024, the right year to buy property in Luxembourg

2024 could well be the ideal year to buy a new flat in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg government is introducing new measures to support individuals and investors in their property purchases. Against this backdrop,...

Brooklyn and the 5 criteria of the "city of the ¼ hour"

Have you ever heard of the "city of the ¼ hour"? This seminal urban planning concept was popularized in Europe by Professor Carlos Moreno. It has a strong influence on the way we have designed the new Brooklyn district in Bonnevoie. In this article,...

Brooklyn is being built at Bonnevoie

It's all here! Work began this summer on the first 2 residences at Brooklyn, in the south-east of the capital. This is a great opportunity to take a look back at this Eaglestone project, which is redesigning one of Luxembourg's most attractive neighbourhoods. From the former...

Focus on sports facilities and clubs at Bonnevoie

Are you looking for a way to let off steam after school? Do you need to get moving and indulge your sporting passions? Bonnevoie has excellent facilities and is home to numerous clubs covering a wide range of disciplines. Just a stone's throw from the new...

Back to School at Bonnevoie

In mid-September, it's time to get back to school. It's a great opportunity to put the spotlight on Bonnevoie's schools. Children and teenagers who are lucky enough to live in the new Brooklyn district will be able to visit...

7 cultural highlights in Bonnevoie

When you think of Bonnevoie, you might not immediately think of culture. Yet Bonnevoie is packed with vibrant cultural venues. They offer a wide range of events throughout the year. A rich and varied programme that will delight future residents...

The Bonnevoie Story continues with Brooklyn

Brooklyn, the new district is being built in Bonnevoie in the continuity of a place rich in history. We had the chance to interview Dr. Robert L. Philippart, historian specialized in the urban history of the city of Luxembourg. He tells us about the moments...

Associate architect Marie Lucas recounts Brooklyn in video

Marie Lucas, Associate Architect at M3, explains how the new Brooklyn neighborhood in Bonnevoie was conceived:The name Brooklyn and the neighborhood's 3 pillarsFor Marie Lucas, Brooklyn evokes the grandeur and dynamism of New York. Like its namesake...

Eaglestone: The art of being a visionary

We can never repeat it enough: the location of a real estate project is undoubtedly the main asset of a whole business. The choice of a land is of course based on the opportunity and the availability offered by the market, but also, it must be admitted, on the...

Inauguration of the Brooklyn Project

BROOKLYN IS ON TRACK! At the end of April, Eaglestone inaugurates the new Brooklyn district. Ideally located less than 10 minutes walk from the Luxembourg City train station, 7 new buildings will soon be completed, announcing the renewal of Bonnevoie. A...