The project team

About Eaglestone Luxembourg

Dare to use common sense

As a passionate real estate developer, we create your living and working spaces in Luxembourg. Judicious, Sober and Bold, they meet current and future needs.

For more than 10 years, Eaglestone Group has distinguished itself by the development of ambitious real estate projects that embody its ESG commitment and contribute to a more sustainable future in Luxembourg, Belgium and France. Founded in 2015, Eaglestone Luxembourg has quickly established itself as a a key player in real estate development in the Grand Duchy.

Bold and confident in the future, we dare to commit ourselves to innovative projects that reinvent the city and break codes. Like a compass, our "common sense"We're here to help you invest strategically and wisely.

Simplicity, authenticity and accessibility are the watchwords of our talented Luxembourg team. Every day, we work with passion to offer every individual, family, worker and investor the home or office that perfectly meets their needs today and tomorrow.

Eaglestone Group Luxembourg

"Let's dare common sense

231 employees

In Belgium, France and Luxembourg

75 projects in progress

In 38 cities

724.917 m²

Portfolio volume

311 M. €

Sales 2023

Your contact: Gisèle Lippolis

Gisele Lippolis

"The Brooklyn project is a development imagined by Eaglestone and designed by M3Architectes with a urban upgrading designed in a multicultural neighborhood at the entrance to Luxembourg City.

Eaglestone's vision of architecture goes far beyond the simple exterior envelope of a building. Eaglestone's developments take into account their impact on their environment. This is the result of careful, coherent and thorough thinking. Our aim is to provide occupants with living and working environments that are both pleasant and functional. Our architecture combines quality of use, sustainable development and urban renewal. Eaglestone has chosen to integrate art into its thinking. Our ambition is to communicate this passion through our projects, to share it with as many people as possible, and to play an active part in the urbanization and beautification of the city, by leaving our mark on it.

For the Brooklyn project, each residence will be embellished with a work by Samuel Lévy, a young visual artist and energy catalyst.

Brooklyn is an ambitious project that will offer numerous advantages, including mixed use (housing, offices, shops), easy, multimodal connectivity (notably the Dernier Sol streetcar stop), but also an incomparable neighborhood life with the various cultural activities, sports facilities, shops and restaurants on offer at Bonnevoie. Brooklyn is the city at your fingertips.

Architects and Builders

M3 Luxembourg

New mobility, redesigned road layouts, possible urban redesigns, and a whole district can be rethought, in a real change of perspective.

We were seduced by the renewal of the area, along a street to be created, intimate and protected, which finely redraws the old artisanal plots.

At the street entrances, we wanted to create transparent architectural accents, conveying the identity of the whole. Further on, the regular punctuation of small residences maintains the dialogue established at the southern entrance: brick is worked on a smaller scale, with softly-declined alignments at the corners.
The windows, blinds, cladding and ironwork pick up the vibration initiated on the office facade.
We want to make it easier to move from one activity to another, and maintain the idea of belonging to a single quality project.

The street is alive at all hours of the day, windows light up before others go out, the framework is reassuring because of this continuity of occupation and architectural language.

M3 Architectes Luxembourg
M3 Luxembourg

With over 155 years of history in the construction industry, the Blaton family has been present in Luxembourg for 70 years, and since 2006 under the CBL banner. The company has become a major player not only in Luxembourg, but also in southern Belgium and north-eastern France.

The art of building

True to the entrepreneurial spirit of the generations of builders who founded CIT Blaton and then CBL, we rise to every challenge by combining traditional techniques with advanced technologies. In each of our projects, we express the same desire: to build to last. Our customers' requirements evolve, as do those of end-users (housing, offices, industry, etc.). Our methods and techniques are constantly adapting to this new situation.

A special place in the landscape

CBL construction sites stand out at first glance: painted in white, our cranes and machinery mark our difference.

Expertise at the service of creation

Exceptional results can only be achieved with a willingness to surpass oneself and project oneself into the future. We want to create added value for our customers, build achievements that contribute to the well-being of all, and turn each project into a success that strengthens our reputation.

M3 Architectes Luxembourg

They talk about the Brooklyn project...