Associate architect Marie Lucas tells Brooklyn in Video

Marie Lucas, Associate Architect at M3, explains how the new Brooklyn neighborhood at Bonnevoie was designed :

The name Brooklyn and the 3 pillars of the neighborhood

For Marie Lucas, Brooklyn evokes the grandeur and dynamism of New York. Like its American namesake, Brooklyn at Bonnevoie aims to be the emblem of a changing neighborhood. To further emphasize the bridge between the two, the majority of the buildings are clad in brick.

The new Brooklyn neighborhood has been designed around 3 pillars :

1. To give the feeling of living in a village
2. Allow residents to walk to work
3. Provide a vision for the future

A unique feeling of living in a village close to the city

Brooklyn is built between 2 emblematic districts of Luxembourg which are the station district and Bonnevoie.

The architects' intention is to extend the spirit of conviviality that reigns at Bonnevoie by organizing Brooklyn as a new modern village.

To do this, Marie Lucas explains that they have placed the neighborhood's residential buildings along a small, sheltered street, away from the main roads. This alley offers a soft and sunny atmosphere thanks to its north-south orientation. The light brick facades will be bathed in light.

Entre les immeubles, beautiful gardens with trees are planned. These private and shared green spaces have been judiciously placed at street level. Children and residents of all generations will thus be able to enjoy an intimate cocoon away from the gaze of passers-by. The place of nature will be further reinforced by the green roofs.

Aerial view of the Luxembourg apartments

The city of the quarter hour

The architect also emphasizes Brooklyn's privileged location. This allows residents to be 15 minutes from all Luxembourg facilities such as shops, offices, schools, sports centers, cultural centers, recreation, etc.

Whether you walk, bike, take the streetcar or bus, everything is close by! And what if you are lucky enough to work directly in Brooklyn since the neighborhood also has office buildings and shops.

As Marie Lucas explains in this immersive video, living in Brooklyn in Bonnevoie will to feel in the cocoon of a village while enjoying the facilities of the city.